GPS Module NEO-6M w/ PPS (pulse per second) Signal & Ceramic Antenna

  • RM50.00

  • Product Code: GPS Module NEO-6M U-blox PPS
  • Availability: In Stock


The Ubox NEO-6M gps engine on this board is a quite good one, with high precision binary output. It has also high sensitivity for indoor applications. The gps module have a battery for power backup and EEprom for storing configuration settings.

The antenna is connected to module through ufl cable which allow for flexibility in mounting the gps such that the antenna will always see the sky for best performance. This make it powerful to use with cars and other mobile applications.



  • Able to use GPS as a really accurate clock, this board provides a PPS (pulse per second) signal. This is a highly accurate clock pulse coming off a pin on the GPS that NTP can use. If you have such a GPS the resource below is a must read.
  • Compact and excellent performance
  • Micro USB port, you can use general mobile phone cable to connect this GPS module to your computer. No need USB-TTL, convenient for use
  • Onboard ceramic passive antenna, able to search for the satellite in open area, and an external antenna is optional
  • SMA port, convenient for connecting with the external active antenna, stronger satellite search ability
  • A reserved TTL port, convenient for connecting to USB-TTL or external single chip microcomputer
  • Back-up rechargeable battery
  • UART TTL socket
  • EEprom to save configuration settings
  • Support hot start



  • Supply voltage: 3.3V - 5V DC
  • Operating current: 45mA
  • Baud rates: 9600 (configurable from 4800 to 115200)
  • Navigation update rate: 5Hz maximum (1HZ default)
  • Capture time: Cool start: 27s (fastest);Hot start: 1s
  • Operating temperature range: -40 to +85°C
  • Separated 18 X 18mm GPS antenna
  • Dimension: 22 X 30 X 13mm
  • Weight: 19g


* PPS should be connected to the clock pulse output (CPOUT) of a MCU. This pin is unconnected if GPS module is connected to a computer.



Connect to an Arduino

/* Connection to UNO
VCC - Arduino 5v
GND - Arduino GND
TXD - Arduino D0
RXD - No connect
PPS - No connect

If want to use this on Leonardo, have to rename all the "Serial" to "Serial1"

char nmeaSentence[68];
String latitude;		//Latitude
String longitude;		//Longitude
String lndSpeed;		//Speed
String gpsTime;		//UTC time, Kuala Lumpur is 8
String klTime;		//KL Time

#define GPSSerial Serial

void setup()

void loop()

  // For one second we parse GPS data and report some key values
  for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;)	//Scan for GPS each second
    while (GPSSerial.available())	//Serial reading
      char c =;	//Serial reading

      switch(c)					//
      case '$':					//data divided by $
        GPSSerial.readBytesUntil('*', nmeaSentence, 67);		//Store data in nmeaSentence
        latitude = parseGprmcLat(nmeaSentence);	//Get Latitude
        longitude = parseGprmcLon(nmeaSentence); //Get Longitude
        lndSpeed = parseGprmcSpeed(nmeaSentence); //Get Speed
        gpsTime = parseGprmcTime(nmeaSentence); //Get GPS time

        if(latitude > "")		//Print if not null
          GPSSerial.println("latitude: " + latitude);

        if(longitude > "")		//Print if not null
          GPSSerial.println("longitude: " + longitude);

        if(lndSpeed > "")		//Print if not null
          GPSSerial.println("Speed (knots): " + lndSpeed);

        if(gpsTime > "")		//Print if not null
          GPSSerial.println("gpsTime: " + gpsTime);
          klTime = getklTime(gpsTime);	//KL Time
          GPSSerial.println("klTime: " + klTime);        

String getklTime(String s)
  int hour = s.substring(0,2).toInt();
  int minute = s.substring(2,4).toInt();
  int second = s.substring(4,6).toInt();

  hour += 8;

  if(hour > 24)
    hour -= 24;
  s = String(hour) +":"+String(minute) +":"+ String(second);
  return s;

//Parse GPRMC NMEA sentence data from String
//String must be GPRMC or no data will be parsed
//Return Latitude
String parseGprmcLat(String s)
  int pLoc = 0; //paramater location pointer
  int lEndLoc = 0; //lat parameter end location
  int dEndLoc = 0; //direction parameter end location
  String lat;
  /*make sure that we are parsing the GPRMC string. 
   Found that setting s.substring(0,5) == "GPRMC" caused a FALSE.
   There seemed to be a 0x0D and 0x00 character at the end. */
  if(s.substring(0,4) == "GPRM")
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
      if(i < 3) 
        pLoc = s.indexOf(',', pLoc+1);
        /*Serial.print("i < 3, pLoc: ");
         Serial.print(", ");
      if(i == 3)
        lEndLoc = s.indexOf(',', pLoc+1);
        lat = s.substring(pLoc+1, lEndLoc);
        /*Serial.print("i = 3, pLoc: ");
         Serial.print("lEndLoc: ");
        dEndLoc = s.indexOf(',', lEndLoc+1);
        lat = lat + " " + s.substring(lEndLoc+1, dEndLoc);
        /*Serial.print("i = 4, lEndLoc: ");
         Serial.print("dEndLoc: ");
    return lat; 

//Parse GPRMC NMEA sentence data from String
//String must be GPRMC or no data will be parsed
//Return Longitude
String parseGprmcLon(String s)
  int pLoc = 0; //paramater location pointer
  int lEndLoc = 0; //lat parameter end location
  int dEndLoc = 0; //direction parameter end location
  String lon;

  /*make sure that we are parsing the GPRMC string. 
   Found that setting s.substring(0,5) == "GPRMC" caused a FALSE.
   There seemed to be a 0x0D and 0x00 character at the end. */
  if(s.substring(0,4) == "GPRM")
    for(int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
      if(i < 5) 
        pLoc = s.indexOf(',', pLoc+1);
        /*Serial.print("i < 3, pLoc: ");
         Serial.print(", ");
      if(i == 5)
        lEndLoc = s.indexOf(',', pLoc+1);
        lon = s.substring(pLoc+1, lEndLoc);
        /*Serial.print("i = 3, pLoc: ");
         Serial.print("lEndLoc: ");
        dEndLoc = s.indexOf(',', lEndLoc+1);
        lon = lon + " " + s.substring(lEndLoc+1, dEndLoc);
        /*Serial.print("i = 4, lEndLoc: ");
         Serial.print("dEndLoc: ");
    return lon; 

//Parse GPRMC NMEA sentence data from String
//String must be GPRMC or no data will be parsed
//Return Longitude
String parseGprmcSpeed(String s)
  int pLoc = 0; //paramater location pointer
  int lEndLoc = 0; //lat parameter end location
  int dEndLoc = 0; //direction parameter end location
  String lndSpeed;

  /*make sure that we are parsing the GPRMC string. 
   Found that setting s.substring(0,5) == "GPRMC" caused a FALSE.
   There seemed to be a 0x0D and 0x00 character at the end. */
  if(s.substring(0,4) == "GPRM")
    for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
      if(i < 7) 
        pLoc = s.indexOf(',', pLoc+1);
        /*Serial.print("i < 8, pLoc: ");
         Serial.print(", ");
        lEndLoc = s.indexOf(',', pLoc+1);
        lndSpeed = s.substring(pLoc+1, lEndLoc);
        /*Serial.print("i = 8, pLoc: ");
         Serial.print("lEndLoc: ");
    return lndSpeed; 

//Parse GPRMC NMEA sentence data from String
//String must be GPRMC or no data will be parsed
//Return Longitude
String parseGprmcTime(String s)
  int pLoc = 0; //paramater location pointer
  int lEndLoc = 0; //lat parameter end location
  int dEndLoc = 0; //direction parameter end location
  String gpsTime;

  /*make sure that we are parsing the GPRMC string. 
   Found that setting s.substring(0,5) == "GPRMC" caused a FALSE.
   There seemed to be a 0x0D and 0x00 character at the end. */
  if(s.substring(0,4) == "GPRM")
    for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
      if(i < 1) 
        pLoc = s.indexOf(',', pLoc+1);
        /*Serial.print("i < 8, pLoc: ");
         Serial.print(", ");
        lEndLoc = s.indexOf(',', pLoc+1);
        gpsTime = s.substring(pLoc+1, lEndLoc);
        /*Serial.print("i = 8, pLoc: ");
         Serial.print("lEndLoc: ");
    return gpsTime; 

// Turn char[] array into String object
String charToString(char *c)

  String val = "";

  for(int i = 0; i <= sizeof(c); i++) 
    val = val + c[i];

  return val;

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