AHT10 High Precision Digital Temperature and Humidity Measurement Module

  • RM7.00

  • Product Code: AHT10
  • Availability: In Stock

The AHT10, is a precision digital temperature and humidity sensor renowned for its exceptional accuracy and reliability. With a temperature measurement range spanning from -40°C to 85°C and an accuracy level of ±0.3°C, coupled with a humidity measurement range of 0% to 100% and an accuracy of ±2%, the AHT10 excels in delivering crucial environmental data for a multitude of applications, including weather monitoring, HVAC systems, home automation, and IoT devices. Its compact design, low power consumption, and I2C interface make it effortlessly integratable into various projects, while its stability ensures long-term consistency in measurements, ideal for continuous monitoring and data logging. Whether for a weather station, smart home system, or industrial automation, the AHT10 sensor is a valuable component, providing precise environmental insights to elevate project efficiency and performance.



  • Interface type: I2C (0x38)
  • Operating voltage: 3.3V – 5V
  • Measuring range:
  • Temperature: -40°C to 85°C
  • Humidity: 0% to 100% ±2%RH
  • Temperature accuracy: ±0.3°C
  • Temperature resolution: 0.01 °C
  • Humidity resolution: 0.024%
  • Humidity accuracy: 2%
  • Fully calibrated
  • Excellent long-term stability
  • Fast response and strong anti-interference ability


Pinout module:




The following image shows schematic diagram of the AHT10 module.

                                                                           AHT10 sensor module schematics

An XC620-3.3V regulator is used to generate the 3.3V for the AHT sensor from the input power supply. It is also accompanied by necessary filter capacitors to smooth the output. The module also includes a level shifter for the I2C line, which is built around a dual N channel MOSFET.


Interfacing AHT10 Module with Arduino UNO

                                                                             Circuit Diagram of AHT10 module with Arduino UNO



#include < Wire .h> // Library to establish I2C communication
#include < AHT10 .h> // Library to use the AHT10 sensor
AHT10 myAHT10(0x38);//AHT10 instance, address 0x38
void  setup () {
 Wire . begin (); // Function that initializes the Wire library.
Serial library . begin (9600); // initializes Serial communication. 
Serial . println ( "Initialising AHT10 Sensor" );
if (!myAHT10. begin ()) { // If communication with the sensor fails, an error message is printed 
Serial . println ( "Sensor error!" );
while (1);
void  loop () {
 float temp = myAHT10. readTemperature (); //read temperature from sensor and store it in a variable.
 float hum = myAHT10. readHumidity (); // read humidity from sensor and store it in a variable.
 Serial . print ( "Temp: " ); Serial . print (temp); Serial . print ( "°C  " ); //print the temperature value.
 ​​Serial. print ( "Humidity: " ); Serial . print (hum); Serial . println ( " %" ); // print the humidity value.
 delay (1000);



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