ESP32 is already integrated antenna and RF balun, power amplifier, low-noise amplifiers, filters, and power management module. The entire solution takes up the least amount of printed circuit board area.
This board is used with 2.4 GHz dual-mode Wi-Fi and Bluetooth chips by TSMC 40nm low power technology, power and RF properties best, which is safe, reliable, and scalable to a variety of applications.
- Rapid Prototyping – Get right into application design and development without worrying about RF performance and antenna design. The ESP32-DevKitC has your basic system requirements already covered. Just plug in the USB cable and you’re good to go!
- Flexible and Feature-Rich – The ESP32-DevKitC contains the entire basic support circuitry for the ESP-WROOM-32, including the USB-UART bridge, reset- and boot-mode buttons, LDO regulator and a micro-USB connector. Every important GPIO is available to the developer.
- Breadboard-Friendly – The ESP32-DevKitC pinout is optimized for prototyping on a breadboard. The on-board LDO output is led out for powering additional off-board electronics. Peripheral outputs are grouped together for hassle-free prototyping.
- Arduino-like hardware I/O – Advanced API for hardware IO, which can dramatically reduce the redundant work for configuring and manipulating hardware. Code like arduino, but interactively in Lua script.
- Core board based on esp-32 WROOM-32 from Espressif too.
- Similar to nodemcu board, compact size, on board USB-TTL CP2102, LDO AMS1117, microUSB, flash and reset buttons, etc. Very nice.